Hey Y&R fans, every second Saturday TV Banter discusses the latest happenings and provides commentary on your favourite daytime drama. Note to U.S. readers - SPOILER ALERT: Here in Canada, I watch the show on Global TV which is one episode ahead of CBS. I will inevitably refer to incidents you haven't seen yet. Read at your own risk. If you are the curious type, though, you may prefer to discover some things in advance.
It was quite a gruesome Halloween on Y&R with the four conspirators (Victoria, Nikki, Sharon and Phyllis) digging up J.T.'s burial place. It was even somewhat comical as all the members of the quirky quartet were wearing masks. The mystery continues, though. Is J.T. really dead or did he somehow dig himself out of his burial place in Chancellor Park. Is that why the water pipe was damaged? It sounds far-fetched, but remember that this is a soap.
Detective Rey Rosales has announced a murder investigation. J.T.'s watch (with an inscription from Mac) was found in Chancellor Park. It's seems that even further evidence was uncovered which led to the murder investigation. We shall see. There's bound to be more twists and turns as the mystery unravels during the November sweeps.
So, Phyllis is a born-again redhead. She dyed her hair red again to go with her fiery disposition. She's where she wants to be right now, ensconced on John Abbott's chair as CEO of Jabot. She may find herself behind bars instead if J.T. is really dead. She'll be wearing an orange jumpsuit instead of her usual fashionable attire.
Now, as much as I support the empowerment of women, which Phyllis champions, I don't like her methods. It's great that Phyllis is ambitious, but she's also unprofessional and indiscreet. For example, did she really have to advertise her escapades with Nick? I realize that she has to be careful that she is not undermined by Kyle and Jack and Billy. She has to establish her authority. However, she can't alienate them completely if she wants them to work with her as a team. Even Summer pointed that out to her. She advised her mother to give Kyle something productive and useful to do or he would become very bitter. That was pretty astute for the Snowflake, wasn't it?
Summer may get her claws into Kyle again. Phyllis has them working together on a project for the new Jabot boutiques. Snowflake suggested that they don't have to work too closely together. However, Kyle would have none of it. What is wrong with Kyle? He doesn't seem to possess enough good judgement to distance himself from Summer. He just can't stay away from her, even for the sake of his relationship with Lola. The Snowflake, of course, is pleased as punch with this turn of events. Kyle fell right into her web, or should I say igloo? I understand that Lola doesn't want to be insecure and overly jealous, but I wouldn't trust Summer. She is as devious and underhanded as her mother. She will do almost everything in her power to break up Kyle and Lola.
Snowflake has quite a pedigree because her father is the biggest jerk in Genoa City. Nick is becoming more like his father every day. He turned to Phyllis because she knows how to pander to his inflated ego. I think he's a bigger jerk than Billy Boy Abbott, although it's a close call. Billy's behaviour, at least, can be partly attributed to his gambling addiction. That's an illness and he has been trying to get help for it. What's Nick's excuse?
Sharon seems to be getting chummy with Billy Abbott again. According to internet spoilers, Billy will be her date at the Jabot boutique launch. She's turning to him because Rey's wife is back in town. Only Sharon could dump Genoa City's biggest jerk and then become involved with its second biggest jerk.
Tessa has been behaving very strangely. What is she hiding and how is she involved in the J.T. mystery? It appears that she is full of secrets, including stashing stacks of money in her closet and then in her mattress. Mariah saw her with the hidden money and is going to be very suspicious. Could it be the $250,000 that was extorted from Nikki, Phyllis, Victoria and Sharon? Is Tessa the blackmailer who sent those threatening letters or are the writers just trying to convince us that she is?
Leftovers from Ashley's departure. I have some further comments regarding Ashley's farewell. First of all, why didn't she say goodbye to Neil in person. He couldn't have meant very much to her if he only warranted a phone call. She just informed him that she had decided to move to Paris and invited him to visit her there. Neil didn't express anger or disappointment that she didn't have the decency to visit him in person and tell him of her plans.
There were a bit too many Abbott family flashbacks. They were necessary and I enjoyed them, but after a while they seemed like fillers. Let's call it too much of a good thing.
If you have any comments on Y&R, please email them to me with "Viewer Forum" in the subject line. I will be happy to publish your comments and reply to them You do not have to use your real name.
Longtime Y&R viewer, Fifi in Collingwood, Ontario passed along some comments to me. Fifi thinks that the new Jabot chemist, Kerry Johnson, will get involved with Neil Winters. She also predicts a romance between Victoria and Dr. Nate.
I tend to agree about Victoria and Dr. Nate. They seem to be appearing in a lot of scenes together and developing a friendship. As for Kerry Johnson, I don't quite know what to think of her yet. I need some more time to get used to her. One thing for sure, she's extremely loyal to Phyllis, almost to a fault. She may become involved with Neil since Ashley is out of the picture. However. Jack Abbott also seems to be showing an interest in her. He invited her to attend the Jabot boutique launch with him. She played coy with him and refused to give him an answer right away.
Noemi Gonzalez has been cast as Rae's wife, Mia
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Noemi Gonzalez |
Mia's arrival in Genoa City will certainly shake things up. Rey has been very tight-lipped about what went wrong between them., but we will soon learn the reason for their estrangement. It will be interesting to watch how Mia deals with Sharon. It may be a case of blonde versus brunette. In the previews, we have already seen her tell Sharon to stay away from Rey.
Noemi Gonzalez is a newcomer to soaps and she is a native of Nogales, Mexico. Her credits include such films as Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014) and the The Vatican Tapes (2015), both horror thrillers. She also appeared as Olivia in an episode of the short-lived 2014 television crime drama, Gang Related.and has had a recurring role as Soli Gomez in the teen high school drama East Los High.
Where is Victor Newman? Here's the answer.
Victor Newman has not appeared on screen for quite a while. Nikki told Rey that he is in Singapore on business. The reason Victor has been written out for a while is that Eric Braeden, the actor who portrays Victor, has been on an extended vacation. Eric is a native of Germany and he has been visiting the land of his birth. So don't worry fans. He is not leaving Y&R.
Eric is back now and here's what he tweeted to fans on October 23rd:
"I was on vacation, didn't tell them I'd be back until last minute and am now very excited about my storyline!! No one else's fault but mine!! Be patient a little longer!! It's a hell of a storyline!!"
For some photos of Eric's trip, click on the link below. The photos include a picture of Eric with his brothers.
Tristan Lake Leabu returning as Reed Hellstrom
Now that the J.T. mystery is heating up, Tristan Lake Leabu will reprise his role as Reed Hellstom, J.T.'s son with Victoria. According to Soaps in Depth, Reed will be back in Genoa City on Monday, December 10 on CBS (Friday, December 7th on Global TV). Obviously his return will be connected to the disappearance or murder of his father.
CASTING NOTE: Lauren Lott will play the part of Devon Hamilton's sister, Anna Hamilton beginning on November 28th on CBS (November 27th on Global TV).
Phyllis is bossy and controlling. Her personal life is a mess, but she knows fashion and makeup. Should she be CEO of Jabot? What do you think, fans? Respond to the poll below and let me know.
CASTING NOTE: Lauren Lott will play the part of Devon Hamilton's sister, Anna Hamilton beginning on November 28th on CBS (November 27th on Global TV).
Phyllis is bossy and controlling. Her personal life is a mess, but she knows fashion and makeup. Should she be CEO of Jabot? What do you think, fans? Respond to the poll below and let me know.
Should Phyllis be Jabot's CEO?
Created with Survey Maker
The annual Y&R tea in support of the March of Dimes will take place at the Royal York Hotel on Sunday, December 2nd. Beth Maitland (Traci Abbott) and Bryton James (Devon Hamilton) will be there as well as Kate Linder (Esther ) and Christian LeBlanc (Michael). If you are interested in attending this event, click on the link below.
That's all for now. Please remember that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, November 24, 2018. We're in the midst of the November sweeps and it should be fun. I'm expecting lots of twists and turns, especially with the J.T. mystery. So, fasten your seatbelts.
Happy Thanksgiving to my readers in the United States.
That's all for now. Please remember that the next edition of Y&R Report will appear in this space on Saturday, November 24, 2018. We're in the midst of the November sweeps and it should be fun. I'm expecting lots of twists and turns, especially with the J.T. mystery. So, fasten your seatbelts.
Happy Thanksgiving to my readers in the United States.
- Joanne
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